Sunday, July 27, 2008

NO Suspicion, YES Trust

Sugar starts to have a strong suspicion that I am telling lies. One of my classmates, lai chi, has mental illness & was sent to hospital. And the other Ms X committed suicide. Both taught in the same kindergarten, under lots of work pressure, without thinking positively, always depressed; seemed to be melancholic.

Before Lai chi was sent to hospital, I encourage her to quit the kindergarten job. As kindergarten job not suits her, but she always wanted the kindergarten to be an ideal school for the children. That made her felt depressed & contradictious. On the other hand, she felt the death of her colleague, Ms X, was an attack. However, she chose what she disliked, the more pressure she had to face, so she went crazy.

Sugar, that is a really really true story, but no need to learn a lot. I think you can recover soon. Because I can give you the most professional suggestions & experience. Because Jesus loves you J

Thursday, July 24, 2008


1) 吃了個好美味的美心cake,是sugar 專誠買比我當早餐的。
2) Sugar 拿起一公文袋給我,立即說不是比你。我突然想…, 仲未想到,好又說係送比亞b呀!

從這兩件小事中,我體會到除了甜在咀頭 & 心頭之外,仲覺得她有進步,懂得慢慢放下自己的不快,開始與人分享。Very good :)

Hope her continue to improve.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008



昨天在California 遇見久久不見的舊同學al,差不多三年,看他滿面滄桑,一面暗瘡,瘦削的身體,條條排骨,頭髮更長白了,最慘就係長少了很多很多,不是長少了,而是脫落了很多很多。一個年青有為的青年才俊,竟變的如c田地,不得不教我悲傷。中學時期,他是班中的乖乖仔,成績卓越,但現在都沒有女友,他也笑著說好慘呀! 我口出拙言,立即說我有大把姊妹介紹給他,他很開心呀!
兩個大傻瓜,因女仔笑哈哈,,,其實我只有pear 介紹他,不是很多呀!

Pear 在情海翻波幾年,認識她七年,大大話話,估計她有七個男仔朋友要好的,男朋友,就得兩個,well,她多心,又不是嗎? 我覺得不是,是男友不懂關心她,使她不知所以,跟本連自己都不知自己想要什麼的男仔就開始感情,有時開心,有時傷心,沒有長遠的目標,沒有長遠的信心,沒有,,,,,,

我有時會勸她唔好要那男友,但當亞媽聽到,就會話我令教人打仔,莫教人分妻,well 我不是這樣想,他們都未結婚,有權再選擇…but我真的沒有好介紹給她,well 由好吧!

另外 al 問我結婚會否請他飲,我三思一會才說”你甘講到,更係會請啦” 他表示“原本你無意思請的kar?”



我比個開場白讓她構思下,就是我一早送上大bun包 & cherry 比她,見到bun bun & cherry 就是開心的開始啦,哈哈 J

人生有多久,比你多極都是短短的七、八十歲,超過一百歲的人百指可數。如果天天不快,就算你活到一百歲又如何? 真的希望sugar開開心心,做朋友只想朋友好,那有傷害朋友的呢?

另外,今天收到同事k 的請柬,邀請我去飲酒呢! 自己以為沒有份收,料不到他會請我,我同身旁的同事很少一起吃飯彧傾談,連平日的lunch,一次都未試過一齊。加上,昨天我第一次大聲在公司內話他,他無端端、靜悄悄走在我坐位後面,走在我後面之前,他超大聲咳,咳得似肺癆,好恐怖,他突然在後面,我十分害怕,害怕他將咳細菌傳比我,我沒有用腦,就二話不說快快地、恨恨地拍了兩下枱,大聲警告他,“喂!你好返先走過lai 也!” 他回答一聲”我已經經了” 哎呀! 他不停咳都叫好返? 算! 我不駁他了,話晒我都係詩文人。之後,旁邊的人就笑笑口…或許我真的不應這樣罵一個病人,我應體諒他,但他的咳聲真的十分超級恐怖、可怕….所以我send email 比他say sorry & hope him get well soon.


跟是非遠離,我自由得多,不用理會別人太多太多的閒閒話話、是非是非、批批評評,就算別人在我背後說我長道的短,我也活得開心,不開心時食下甜品,做下運動就better啦! happy la :)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

white hair

David came to my seat & said sth, baba..baba...then he told me I had white hair...quite many......
the most hurrible thing I hate...white hair. I asked him to help me to cut it, but he refused. I hate it very very much. It tells me I grow older & older, my health becomes weaker & weaker.

Jesus, please hel pme to overcome the difficult time I face now---my health problem & my wedding arrangement. I hope to marry Ivan with healthy & beauty.

I know Ivan won't refuse to marry me even I am weak. But I find myself too weak to be his wife. Weak in body, and even weak in soul.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Health ??

Tonight I chatted with Shirley who was my boss last year. We talked many things, mainly about health problem. She told me her illness comes back again. She quits her job & has to take medinice. We encourage each other to do more exercises.

She told me she always loses her temper (so do I, in front of my parents & bf )
Sorry, my honey...I really can't control my temper. I hate drinking Chinese bitter tea or take any medinice. I feel very tired & no mood to face the illness.